What I've Learned: You have to put your own oxygen mask on first

You have to put your own oxygen mask on first.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to help others with their masks. I was reminded of this on a flight home from Los Angeles recently.

This became clear on multiple levels last week as Influenza A kept me quarantined and in bed for going on two weeks. 

Influenza A is definitely the bad news here.

While I’ve managed a somewhat coherent tweet here and there, I’ve only been able to return to my computer in the last few days – though at lessened capacity.

So, as I dig out of the email avalanche that is my inbox, I’m also wanting to do the one thing that Influenza A has kept me from doing – and that is talk to you directly. 


Let’s call this the good news.

Ultimately, my goal is to help as many communicators as possible. That’s why I created my online course, Communication Plan Blueprint. But that’s just one way.

Another way to help is to connect with you directly and have a one-to-one conversation. I want to understand your needs and how best to help you move forward. Alternatively, if you have a team member or two who may benefit from additional training support, a conversation might help clarify a best-fit solution.

If it results in you or a team member signing up for my course, great. But that’s not my sole purpose. These kinds of calls were exactly the kind of oxygen I needed earlier in my career, to know that I’m not alone.

Sometimes a phone call from someone who has traveled a similar path to the one that stands before you is helpful in and of itself. I’m just pleased to help you with where you’re at in your current role and development. So, this is not a hard sales call, I promise.

I’ve set out on a new path for my business with my online course. I know that Communication Plan Blueprint is an early step and will not be the last.

I look forward to talking with you. Click here to find a time that works best for our conversation.

Thanks for your patience as I get back to being 100 percent. I appreciate it. We have to take care of our own health and professional development. Now is definitely that time. 

Let’s get the oxygen flowing.